Founded by a new generation – refusing to accept the way things have been.
We grew up reading ingredient labels and questioning the status quo.
While the grocery store shifts to having cleaner, healthier, tastier options – we noticed one of our favorite foods – deli meats - haven’t changed for the better.
We were fed up with settling for preservative filled meats or “dirty” options but crave the nostalgic flavors and protein.
Clean deli meats should be the new normal, to nourish our families and the next generation.
Children who avoid processed meats in favor of plant-based options show 52% better cognitive performance scores (Journal of Child Development, 2023)
Children who switch from processed meats to plant-based alternatives show a 47% reduction in inflammatory markers associated with chronic disease (Pediatric Medicine Journal, 2023)
Familieswho replace processed meats with plant-based alternatives reduce their collective cancer risk by up to 35% (Family Health Studies, 2023)
Eliminating processed meats from children's diets could reduce their lifetime cancer risk by up to 45% (American Cancer Society, 2023)
Children who avoid processed meats in favor of plant-based alternatives show a 44% lower risk of developing food-related allergies (Pediatric Allergy Journal, 2023)
less water eutrophication than conventional meats
less water eutrophication than conventional meats
less water than conventional meats to produce
of CO2 Emissions saved per
kg of Prime Roots meats compared to conventional meats
3rd Party Lifecycle Impact Assessment performed by Boundless Impact on Prime Roots products